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Tax credits: Customers have one month left to renew

04 July 2022

HMRC is reminding over 300,000 customers to renew their tax credits by 31 July or their payments will stop.

Tax credits help working families with targeted financial support – so it's important that customers renew before the deadline to ensure they don't miss out on money they're entitled to.

Customers can renew their tax credits for free via GOV. UK or the HMRC app. Renewing online is quick and easy. Customers can log into GOV. UK to check on the progress of their renewal, be reassured it's being processed and know when they'll hear back from HMRC.

Tax credits are ending and will be replaced by Universal Credit by the end of 2024.

Announcement: www.gov.uk/government/news/323700-tax-credits-customers-have-one-month-left-to-renew